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Kumar, R., Randall, R., Silin, D., and Shkarayev, S., Insect-Inspired Micro Air Vehicles, Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration (in 3 volumes), Ch. 23, 2014, pp. 623-649.

Shkarayev, S., Maniar, G., and Shekhovtsov, A., “Experimental and Computational Modeling of the Kinematics and Aerodynamics of Flapping Wings,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 50, issue 6, pp. 1734-1747, 2013.

Shkarayev, S., and Silin, D., “Measurements of Aerodynamic Coefficients for Flapping Wings at 0-90 Angles of Attack,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 50, pp. 2034-2042, 2012.

Kumar, R., Chan, R., Shkarayev, S., and Gabbiani, F., “Force Measurements on Locusts During Visually-Evoked Collision Avoidance Maneuvers,” International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Vol. 4, pp. 227-250, 2012.

Randall, R., Shkarayev, S., Abate, G., and Babcock, J., “Longitudinal Aerodynamics of Rapidly-Pitching Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicles,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 49, pp. 453-471, 2012.

Randall, R., Hoffmann, C.-A., and Shkarayev, S., “Longitudinal Aerodynamics of Vertical Takeoff and Landing Micro Air Vehicle,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 48, pp. 166-176, 2011.

Shkarayev, S., and Silin, D., “Applications of Actuator Disk Theory to Membrane Flapping Wings,” AIAA Journal, V. 48, pp. 2227-2234, 2010.

Krashanitsa, R., Silin, D., Shkarayev, S., and Abate, G., “Flight Dynamics of a Flapping-Wing Air Vehicle,” International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Vol. 1, pp. 35-49, 2009.

Shkarayev, S., Moschetta, J.-M., and Bataille, B., “Aerodynamic Design of Micro Air Vehicles for Vertical Flight,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, pp. 1715-1724, 2008.

Krashanitsa, R., Platanitis, G., Silin, D., and Shkarayev, S., “Autopilot Integration into Micro Air Vehicles,” Chapter 3, Introduction to the Design of Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicles Including Three Case Studies (T. J. Mueller, J. C. Kellogg, P. G. Ifju, and S. V. Shkarayev, eds.), AIAA Education Series, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, 2007, pp. 109-149.

Aki, M., Waszak, M., and Shkarayev, S., “Development of Micro Air Vehicles with In-Flight Adaptive Wing,” Chapter 6, Introduction to the Design of Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicles Including Three Case Studies (T. J. Mueller, J. C. Kellogg, P. G. Ifju, and S. V. Shkarayev, eds.), AIAA Education Series, AIAA, 2007, pp. 241-275.

Shkarayev, S., and Krashanitsa, R., “Probabilistic Method for the Analysis of Widespread Fatigue Damage in Structures,” International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 27, pp. 223-234, 2005.

Null, W., and Shkarayev, S., “Effects of Camber on the Aerodynamics of Adaptive-Wing Micro Air Vehicles,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 42, pp. 1537-1542, 2005.